An Analysis on Students’ Erroneous Sentence Found in Descriptive Text

Sijono, Sijono and Thomas Joni, Verwanto Aristo (2018) An Analysis on Students’ Erroneous Sentence Found in Descriptive Text. Voices of English Language Education Society. ISSN 2579-7484

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The problems of this research were the students tended to use the Indonesian language structure when translating. This research aimed to identify and describe the students’ errors in form of interlingual and intralingual. The qualitative research design was used to analyze the data. There were 70 samples of students’ written tasks which were taken from three state senior high schools and three private senior high schools in Sintang city. The finding showed that there were two major aspects influenced the learners made errors when transferring the first language to the target language. The errors caused by the students’ first language are interlingual while the errors caused by the structure of the target language are called intralingual. To identify the interlingual, the researchers used two subcategories. The most error in interlingual was caused by the L1 structure. Meanwhile, the researchers used four subcategories to identify intralingual. The most error in intralingual happened because of the learners’ limited knowledge of the target language. Based on these findings, Teachers can solve the problems by providing explicit and implicit corrective feedback, introducing the grammar system of both Indonesian and English when teaching grammar.
Keywords: Interlingual, intralingual, descriptive text

Item Type: Article
Subjects: L Education > L Education (General)
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username user1
Date Deposited: 07 Jun 2023 08:58
Last Modified: 07 Jun 2023 08:58

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