Items where Author is "MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI"
MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and Yudita, Susanti and HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and SITI, ZUBAIDAH and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL (2023) Lexicon of medicinal plants in traditional medicine in the Dayak Tamambaloh Tribe (West Kalimantan, Indonesia): An ethnolinguistic approach. B IOD I V E R S I T A S Volume 24, Number 1, January 2023. ISSN ISSN: 1412-033X
HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and Yudita, Susanti and SITI, ZUBAIDAH and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL (2023) Lexicon of medicinal plants in traditional medicine in the Dayak Tamambaloh Tribe (West Kalimantan, Indonesia): An ethnolinguistic approach. B IOD I V E R S I T A S Volume 22, Number 12, December 2021. ISSN 1412-033X
Yakobus, Bustami and Rahayu, Esti Wahyuni and Hilarius, Jago Duda and Antonius, Edy Setyawan and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI (2022) Development of project based biotechnology teaching books. Biosfer: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi. ISSN 2614-3984
Yakobus, Bustami and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and Benediktus, Ege and HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and F. R. Esti Wahyuni,, Jul Afrianus (2021) Ethnobotany of medicinal plants in the dayak limbai tribe. JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi). ISSN ISSN 2540-802
MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and BENEDIKTUS, EGE and SITI, ZUBAIDAH and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL (2021) Ethnobotany of traditional medicine in Dayak Jangkang Tribe, Sanggau District, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. B IOD I V E R S I T A S Volume 22, Number 12, December 2021. ISSN 1412-033X
MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and Yakobus, Bustami and Paskarodius, Billy and , Didin, Syafruddin and Mhd. Rafi’i Ma’arif, Tarigan (2021) Ethnozoology in the Dayak Iban Community as Consumption, Medicine, Artistic, Mystical Values, and Pet Animals. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences).
HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and Benediktus, Ege and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL and SITI, ZUBAIDAH (2021) Potential of medicinal plants for internal diseases in the dayak jangkang community, sanggau regency, west kalimantan, indonesia. JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi) Vol. 6, No. 2, November 2021. ISSN 2540-802X
Yakobus, Bustami and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and kurnia, kurnia (2019) Diversity of Annelids in the Kapuas and Melawi Rivers. Jurnal Biota Vol. 5 No.2, 2019. ISSN 2460-7746
HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL and SITI, ZUBAIDAH and BENEDIKTUS, EGE (2019) Ethnobotany of traditional medicinal plants used by Dayak Desa Community in Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. B IOD I V E R S I T A S Volume 24, Number 1, January 2023. ISSN 1412-033X
HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL and SITI, ZUBAIDAH and BENEDIKTUS, EGE (2019) Ethnobotany of traditional medicinal plants used by Dayak Desa Community in Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. B IO D I V E R S IT A S Volume 20, Number 5, May 2019. ISSN ISSN: 1412-033X
MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL and SITI, ZUBAIDAH and HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and BENEDIKTUS, EGE (2019) Ethnobotany of traditional medicinal plants used by Dayak Desa Community in Sintang, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. B IO D I V E R S IT A S. ISSN 1412-033X
YUNIARTI, ESSI UTAMI and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and leliavia, leliavia and DIDIN, SYAFRUDDIN and RUFINA, SEKUNDA (2019) Plant fruits used as food by the Dayak community of Tamambaloh in Labian Ira’ang Village, Kapuas Hulu District, Indonesia. B IOD I V E R S I T A S Volume 20, Number 7, July 2019. ISSN 1412-033X
HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and BENEDIKTUS, EGE and SUSRIYATI, MAHANAL and SITI, ZUBAIDAH (2018) Analisis Sumber Pengetahuan Tradisional Tanaman Obat yang Digunakan oleh Masyarakat Suku Dayak Desa. Proceeding of Biology Education.
HENDRIKUS, JULUNG and MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI (2016) Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Biologi SMA. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Vol. 4 No. 2, Juni 2016, Hal 60–64. ISSN 2338-9117
MARKUS, IYUS SUPIANDI and HENDRIKUS, JULUNG (2016) Pengaruh Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap Kemampuan Memecahkan Masalah dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Biologi SMA. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Vol. 4 No. 2, Juni 2016, Hal 60–64. ISSN 2338-9117